Why do we give?
Is it because we feel obliged to or that’s just what people seem to do in church? There are better reasons.
Giving helps us acknowledge that life is a gift from God and we reflect His generous character when we give.
Giving also helps us acknowledge the Lordship of Christ. That means not putting all of our time, effort and money on ourselves but instead seeking first the kingdom of God. That is reflected in our attitude towards money. It can rule us or not. Giving freely and joyfully means we refuse to let money control us.
Giving also helps us contribute. We get to participate in helping others and invest in the shared mission of our church. Giving isn’t a duty it’s a joy.
We believe that serving the local church is an important aspect of the Christian life. We almost always need help with practical tasks on Sundays and our gatherings are only made possible by the amazing team that give up their time to help us.
How to give…

You can give financially using Swish.
123 699 1574

You can set up a monthly contribution to:
BG no: 176-2004
Swedbank: 8327-9, 924 847 006-5
Practical help on Sundays
This may be helping to set up, pack down, operating the projector, keeping count of how many people come through our doors, being part of the welcome team or providing communion. Please let us know if you are willing to serve in any of these areas!

Sung worship is a key element of our Sunday Gatherings. We are so thankful for our worship team and the time and energy that they put into helping us worship Jesus every week! Do you sing? Can you play an instrument? Let us know!

Do you have a heart for evangelism? We’d love to hear from you!

Creative gifts
Not all of our Christian service is on Sundays! We also need people who have creative gifts such as graphic design, writing, crafts etc to help in various ways. A lot of the communication we have as a church is online in the form of social media, newsletters and through our website.
We always have need for people with a gifting/interest in technology. Do you have interest or experience in PA/sound, websites, recording, or are you willing to learn? Please get in touch!

We have a small prayer team that operate on Sundays as well as coordinating other prayer events. If God has given you a special burden for prayer- be that corporate prayer or one to one, we would love to have you on board.

Youth and Kids
As a valued and important part of the Grace Church family, we want to serve our children and young people. If you have a passion for working with kids, we’d like to hear from you! As well as Sundays, we sometimes hold other events throughout the year that have specific activities for families and young children.

Grace Church has a voluntary internship program. The nature of the internship depends largely on the individual, their gifting and skill set and can be tailored to suit their capacity to serve the church. You can read more about it on the ID website.
These are just a few of the ways that you can give and contribute to the work of Grace Church. If you want to give an serve in any of the area’s listed above or perhaps you have other gifting or interests that are not listed.
Would you like to join any of the above mentioned teams? Or can you help us serve in any other way?
Please contact us as we’d love to get you involved in some way.