The gospel is great news but it starts by confronting us with two uncomfortable realities. That we carry the stains of sins done by us and the pain of sin done to us. Both kinds of sin brought death to us. Death in our souls, in our relationships and even to our planet. The gospel says that through faith in Jesus Christ and his dying for us on the cross, God deals with both sin & death. Which brings us to baptism.
Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. – Acts 2:38
Christians get baptized as a sign that we are turning away from the sins that stained us, demonstrating our trust that Jesus makes us clean. If you are a follower of Jesus but you haven’t been baptized then this is the next step for you.
Would you like to get baptized? Get in touch – we would love to join and help you on the journey!

Your journey in Christ..

1. Connect with Jesus

2. Join us on Sunday

3. Get Baptized

4. Join a Small Group